We are based in the Heartland with China Experience.
No more commercials please patronizing us that th times are “uncertain”. There is both COVID and CHAOS in the news. We go outside and not many people are out. But, we talk to people with on the ground knowledge with facts, and we feel better. We are certain about the strength of the American Heartland, the Midwest. We have over 10+ years experience working in China and Asia. We are experienced shipping domestically and internationally with success and trusted compliance.
ArchBridge specializes in challenging shipping issues. During the current crisis we have helped unblock shipments and directly sourced from the factory floor in Asia both personal protective equipment (PPE) and urgently needed parts.
Also, we have inside knowledge about what is happening in the United States and Asia, particularly China. Please sign-up to get inside updates on what is happening on the ground, in the air and ocean with regards to shipping and manufacturing.
What product do you want to direct source? Give us a chance to make a quote for you to ship your product anywhere in the world. Email us at [email protected] and we will get right back to you.