ALS Brings People Together to Trade Hope

As we have written about before, our Co-Founder and charisma leader, Arlene Rosengarten, passed away in September 2021 from complications from ALS. Once her life partner, Carl D. Essen, and Arlene found out about Arlene’s diagnosis, they spent a signficant amount of time investigating all forms of cures and methods for slowing down ALS. One… Continue reading ALS Brings People Together to Trade Hope

Trade Brings Peace

Long time no talk! We are restarting sending out weekly insights and highlights on shipping freight with an emphasis between Asia and the Midwest of the United States. We are based in Hong Kong and St. Louis where ArchBridge can bring the best freight rates, and up-to-date sourcing for the most in-demand goods. We have… Continue reading Trade Brings Peace

State of Global Shipping

From our work in the field, we can say that shipping to most parts of the world is stable except for Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus right now (clearly). As for full and partial shipping containers, we are getting better rates than previously and these ”cans” are moving better, even though some shipping traffic patterns are… Continue reading State of Global Shipping

My Freight is Stuck. What do I do?

This is the common question we get at ArchBridge these days. Right now, there are problems, globally. We will list out a few of the things we know right now. Integrated carriers, Fedex, UPS, etc, are not telling customers accurate shipping times because they honestly cannot predict the timing. So if you pay for overnight… Continue reading My Freight is Stuck. What do I do?

Introducing ARCHAIN Open Book Logistics

Moving shipments with Reduced Cost & Need-to-Know Sharing. ArchBridge developed its Open Book idea at the beginning of 2020 with the Covid-19 Pandemic as a way to insure that business was being conducted in an open clear way for all customers. Our Open Book policy extended into sourcing quality products globally that were compliant with… Continue reading Introducing ARCHAIN Open Book Logistics

July Product Linecard and Product PDF

Updated with latest in demand products ArchBridge website is a product line card. If you would like a quick way to view and share our linecard, click below: Product Line Card PDF Also, we gathered the most in-demand products for July into one PDF for you: July Products PDF What product do you want to… Continue reading July Product Linecard and Product PDF

Give Us a Chance to Save You Money

Constantly learning to save you money. ArchBridge keeps up to date with the latest news, laws, regulation and shipping prices for air, ground and by sea with ocean going freight. Right now is challenging time to ship by sea and you might not get your merchandise as fast and as effectively by air. With ArchBridge… Continue reading Give Us a Chance to Save You Money

Experience Certainty in Uncertain Times

We are based in the Heartland with China Experience. No more commercials please patronizing us that th times are “uncertain”. There is both COVID and CHAOS in the news. We go outside and not many people are out. But, we talk to people with on the ground knowledge with facts, and we feel better. We… Continue reading Experience Certainty in Uncertain Times